Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 28, 2010- Lecture on Antifungal Drug Resistance and Pma1p

1. What type of compound is ergosterol? Why do yeast cells need it?

2. What is the problem associated with amphotericin B?

3. Which enzyme is blocked by azoles such as fluconazole? Is this enzyme one which can mutate and confer drug resistance upon fungal cells?

4. Why is upregulation of Mdr1p a causative factor of fluconazole-resistance?

5. What is the plasma membrane H+-ATPase in yeast? Why is it important?

6. Design an experiment in which you want to use an inhibitor to block this pump. What would your endpoint measurement be? What would the graph look like?

See you at the final!
Remember: 6:10 PM- 7:00 PM, ORAL EXAM
Remember: 7:00 PM -8:00 PM, WRITTEN EXAM


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