Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lecture on Stem Cells

After this lecture, you should be able to answer the following:

1. What are stem cells? What kinds of cells can they give rise to? What are some sources of stem cells?

2. Why do people care about stem cells? What is an embryonic stem cell and where does it come from? What is an adult stem cell and where does it come from?

3. What is the difference among totipotent, pluripotent, and multipotent stem cells?

4. What kinds of medical advances might be achieved by using stem cells?

5. What does the U.S. President’s Executive Order signed in August, 2001, say about stem cells? What did the 2009 Executive order achieve?

6. What is therapeutic cloning and how is it related to stem cells? What is reproductive cloning? What was the name of the first animal that was ‘reproductively’ cloned?

7. What is the purpose of feeder layers in the culturing of embryonic stem cells?

8. Briefly explain the 2006 experiment by Takahashi and Yamanaka in which they generated iPSC cells. Which genes were used to produce the iPSC cells? What are iPSC cells? Why might these types of cells be useful? How do these iPSC cells differ from adult stem cells or embryonic stem cells? (HINT: see BBRC paper)

9. What is a teratoma and how is it related to stem cells?

10. How is a stem cell line prepared? How does one determine whether or not an embryonic cell line derived from the inner mass of the blastocyst can be characterized as an embryonic stem cell line?

11. What types of bone marrow derived stem cells have been identified? What kinds of tissues will such cells give rise to? What types of neural cells can be made from stem cells found in the brain? What types of gastrointestinal cells can be made from stem cells found in the gut? What types of skin cells can be made from stem cells found in the skin? Where in the skin do the stem cells usually reside?

12. What cellular functions are normally regulated by Oct 3/4? by Sox-2? By Klf4? By Lin28? c-Myc? (HINT: see BBRC manuscript).

1. What are keloids? What are they composed of? What might happen to to keloids if AP-1 activity within the lesion is suppressed?


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