Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Lecture 3: Chromosomes

After this lecture, you should be able to answer the following:

1. What are the structural features of chromosomes? What are monads? dyads? when do we see monads? at what point during the cell cycle do we see dyads? How many pairs of chromosomes are in the human genome?

2. What is the cell cycle? What are the different phases of the cell cycle?

3. Explain the process of mitosis. What are the different stages of mitosis? What happens during those stages?

4. What is meiosis? What are the stages of meiosis?

5. this question has been deleted.

6. What is meiotic recombination? How does it contribute to genetic diversity?

7. What did Griffith's experiment demonstrate regarding transformation? How did Avery, MacLeod and MacCarty's experiment help clarify that DNA was the hereditary material? Explain the Hershey-Chase experiment. What did that experiment demonstrate?

8. Discuss the structure of DNA from a biochemical perspective. What are the chemical components that make up DNA? What is Chargaff's law? What is the role of hydrogen bonding? How can hydrogen bonds be broken? Which base pairs share the strongest H-bonds?

9. Diagram the kinetics of DNA renaturation for human genomic DNA. Explain the three "bumps on the curve."

10. What is repetitive DNA? What are two types of repetitive DNA? What are Alu sequences?

11. What is the size of the human genome? Approximately how many genes make up our genome?


p38 MAP Kinase Assay:
1. What type of assay is this? What kind of instrument do you need to perform this assay? Briefly describe the theory underlying this kit.

20S Proteasome Kit:
1. What type of assay is this? What is the 20S proteasome? What kind of instrument do you need to perform this assay? Briefly describe the theory underlying this kit.

DNA Damage Quantification Kit:
1. Why is an aldehyde reactive probe used in this kit to detect abasic sites within DNA? (Note: An AP site is also known as a apurinic/apyrimidinic site which is also known as an abasic site). What kind of instrument do you need to perform this assay?

Glutathione Quantification Kit
1. What kind of instrument do you need to perform this assay? Why is glutathione important? What is the difference between reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) forms? What is DTNB?


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